• All sale items are not eligible for return/exchange/refund.
  • Free Shipping will automatically apply when the specified purchase amount is reached after all discounts.
  • You buy goods in our store, within 15 days after signing, if the goods remain intact (no pollution damage, not washed, hang tags and other accessories intact), we provide return and exchange services, exchange please contact us in the background.
  • If you receive the goods have any quality problems, we will provide after-sales service to your satisfaction. If you enjoy the price discount, the final refund amount is based on your actual payment amount.
  • If the return arises from quality problems, our store will bear the return shipping cost. In addition, it will be your responsibility to pay the return shipping fee, thank you.
  • If you wish to return or exchange an item, please be sure to contact us at our back office, we believe that detailed communication of the reason for the refund is a great improvement to our service, thank you!
  • Due to different circumstances such as suppliers, fabrics and design, there may be slight variations in sizes. Please make sure to refer to our size chart before making a purchase.
  • The sale / promotion is online exclusive only on
  • Please be reminded that all items will not be restocked.
  • We reserve the right to amend or cancel any discount at any time. Please check regularly.